Scholarship Guidelines
  • The student must reside in Arizona and be eligible for an STO scholarship.
  • For Kinder through 12th grade students and preschool students with disabilities (must have and IEP or MET from an Arizona public school) attending a qualified non-governmental school in Arizona.
  • Arizona requires that children must be 5 as of September 1 to be eligible for a scholarship, though a school district governing board may allow admitting children into kindergarten who will reach the age 5 by January 1. Proof that a public school governing board would accept the student turning 5 between September 2 and January 1 will be required to consider these students for a scholarship.
  • A new scholarship application must be submitted each school year. Applications accepted from February 1 to January 31.
  • Scholarships must be used solely for tuition expenses during the current academic school year only.
  • Scholarships are awarded based on financial need and the availability of funds contributed to Yuma’s Education Scholarship Fund for Kids, Inc.
Scholarship Prerequisites
  • The student is enrolling or currently enrolled in kindergarten at a qualified private school, OR
  • The student attended an Arizona public school or charter school as a full-time student for at least 90 days of the prior fiscal year or one full semester and then transferred from the public school to a qualified private school. Those students who transfer to a qualified school after the first full semester are eligible to receive a scholarship that same academic year. An Arizona Public School Verification Form must be completed by the public school, OR
  • The student is enrolling or currently enrolled in a private school kindergarten, OR
  • The student is enrolling in a qualified private school preschool program for students with disabilities (preschool students must have an IEP or MET from an Arizona public school, a 504 plan does not meet the requirements); OR
  • The student received a scholarship from the Original or Switcher program in a prior year and the child continued to attend a private school in subsequent years, OR
  • The student received a Low-Income Corporate scholarship or a Disabled/Displaced Corporate scholarship in a prior school year and the child continued to attend a private school in subsequent years. A Previous Award Verification Form must be completed if the scholarship was from another school tuition organization other than YES Fund for Kids, OR
  • The student is a dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in Arizona pursuant to military orders, OR
  • Beginning with the 2021/2022 academic year, eligibility has been expanded to include students who are homeschooled before enrolling in a qualified school. A copy of the applicable county homeschool withdrawal form/discontinuation form is required, OR
  • Beginning with the 2021/2022 academic year, eligibility has been expanded to include students who moved to Arizona from out of state before enrolling in a qualified school. A copy of the out of state school enrollment/withdrawal document is required, OR
  • Beginning with the 2021/2022 academic year, eligibility has been expanded to include students that participated in the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program and did not renew the account or accept the scholarship in order to accept an STO scholarship. A copy of a letter from the ESA stating the ESA account is closed is required.
  • The student’s family income cannot exceed 185% of the income required to qualify a child for reduced priced lunches according to the Federal Income Eligibility Guideline

Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines

Effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025


2025/2026 Scholarship Application
Scholarship Limits

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • $6,300 for grades K-8th and preschool students with disabilities
  • $8,100 for grades 9-12th

If a student dis-enrolls from a private school, the scholarship prerequisites will start again when the student re enrolls in a private school.

*YES Fund for Kids may only provide scholarships for students who meet the above guidelines. The intent of the private school tax credit program is to provide financial assistance to those students seeking school choice. According to the Arizona Department of Revenue, if the child is not eligible to be in public school, then they are not eligible for a scholarship. A student may receive awards from more than one school tuition organization in a school year, but keep in mind that this decreases the amount of scholarship funds available for other students in financial need.